Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Gabrielle Quill

Here is a most Treasured piece of mine. This was another gift given to me by my Very Good Friend Kim!! This is a Gabby Quill but I have yet to find it in an episode. I know I will and as soon as I do I will post the screen grab. It is a beautiful item made of a Pheasant's Feather with a decorative ribbon around the end of the feather and the base/writing tip looks to be some kind of metal. Maybe brass. Very well made and quite a collector's item. It goes very nicely in the Gabrielle section of my Treasure Room. Many Many Hugs of Love to you Kim!!! :-) I still haven't found Gabby using this Quill but I did find someone else using it in Hercules Season 2 ep "Once A Hero". Archivus played by Tim Raby uses it throughout the episode jotting down in his book what is happening during the quest to get the Golden Fleece back. This is a great episode and I'm glad I found it in this one. :)


  1. Hi there. I'm afraid I don't know your name from the excerpt you have written. But I can say, after all these years, I think i still do recognize the pen. I could be wrong, but I think it is the pen I used in the 'Jason of Argonauts' series i did as the character Archivus. So sorry if i have ruined the possibility of it being a Gabby pen. But then again, I could be wrong!?! All the best. Tim Raby

    1. Hi Tim,
      My name is Cheri Wood. I am an avid collector of these wonderful shows props and I'm not sure if you read my whole description but I did find you using this quill in Herc season 2 ep Once A Hero and I also posted pics of you using it. My friend gave it to me and he thought it was used by Gabrielle but instead I found you using it...Simply Wonderful. I was ecstatic to find you using it!! Thanks for being a part of this Fantastic show!! :)
